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Bishop Johannes Seoka: Marikana and the Report of the Farlam-Commission
7. März 2016 von 12:15 bis 13:45
Afriqu’à midi
A report of 600 pages produced by the Farlam Commission documents the investigation into the brutal shooting of striking workers of a platinum mine at Marikana. Does the report meet the expectations of the South African public?
It was almost three years after the police killed 34 striking workers at Marikana in August 2012 that the 600 page report of the Farlam-Commission was published. The experience of this massive police violence has shaken post apartheid South Africa and created a crisis of confidence in the political leadership of the country. The appointment of the commission directed by the retired Judge Farlam gave rise to high expectations. Has the report met these expectations? How was the report received by the survivors and families of the killed workers? What are its implications? The Anglican Bishop “Joe” Seoka, chairperson of the board of Bench Marks Foundation, has followed the events from close range, trying to mediate between the company, the security forces and the workers.
Afriqu’à midi is a joint lunch-time discussion event coorganized by the Afrika Komitee and the Centre for African Studies Basel. Drinks are provided, please bring along your sandwich.